JH Kenzo Takada Shogun #2d2525
Jacques Herbin’s ‘créations d’artistes’ ink collection honors and celebrates personalities, recognized for their talents, by developing for each of them a new shade of ink, unique and sublime, reflecting the sensitivity and soul of the artist.
Kenzo Takada is recognised worldwide as one of the most famous creators and designers of his generation. His recognisable style combines multicultural inspirations with a distinct Japanese touch. Kenzo Takada had co-founded K三 («K3»), a luxury brand dedicated to the art of living, with Jonathan Bouchet Manheim, the brand’s managing director as artistic director. Kenzo Takada sadly passed away on October 4th 2020, just as the partnership with Jacques Herbin had started. This ink is thus a homage to this exceptional man.
Creating was Kenzo Takada’s leitmotif, a powerful drive to always bring beauty to the fore. This twilight-coloured ink, reminiscent of a beautiful night of stars, is coated with fine red and gold glitter. The resulting hue is reminiscent of certain armours from the Shogun era, for which Kenzo Takada held a fine appreciation.