These are perfect for building your own pen cabinets, or display cases. Cigar boxes and Silverware chests are among the candidates to turn into your pen case. As the first photo states, these are easily cut to size. One full tray will hold 48 pens, as advertised, but larger pens will benefit from not being side by side, my Montblanc 149s are a touch too girthy to sit comfortably next to each other, although it does work. Full size Sailors, and Pelikans through the 1000 series are no problem. $14 per sheet, and as with many of my larger items, shipping is by parcel post. These will be folded, and as it costs more to ship than the cost of the item, it is suggested to bundle with other products to mitigate Canada Post’s rates.
A price increase from the supplier and international currency fluctuations have forced me to increase the price of these a bit. 3.28.25