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The Ink Advent Calendar is SOLD OUT  for this year, stay tuned, as we begin to take suggestions and requests for next year’s Calendar.




After fielding several requests at the end of last year’s Advent season, we have embarked on our own curated Ink Advent Calendar.

Filled with 24 4ml samples of various inks, and a full bottle of ink on the side for Christmas Day. The Advent Calendar is presented in a sturdy, attractive, traditional Calendar with 24 doors to open, revealing one sample a day.

The only option we are giving in this calendar is to choose between a Shimmer, or a Non-Shimmer ink for the finale.

Quantities are limited to 20 Calendars for this year, and ordering and payment is required to secure your Calendar.


Price is $140.00, including shipping. Choose local pickup, or shipping included to add no shipping charges, but I will just edit the invoice to the proper amount regardless.

Shipping is scheduled for September/October.  Please note, that there is only a little room to spare in the shipping box, but anything ordered at the time of ordering the Calendar will also ship at the same time.




Shimmer, Non Shimmer

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